the tantra massage London

Does Tantric massage includes ‘everything’?

Hello Guys, I’m Tiffany, tantric goddess working with Tantric paradise London. Today I’d like share with you some of my understanding of ‘tantric massage’ .

I often receive calls asking me for my rates and after I answer this, I am asked if the rate is ‘for everything’. Everything? It could mean many things, from the services I provide to towels to even expecting me to iron your clothes at the same time. I am not a dummy and I know many ‘erotic masseuses’ offer sexual services and many of them charge for these services (usually known as full service massage in London erotic massage industry) on the side. Well, my dear friends, not in my case.

sexy therapist - Tiffany

sexy therapist – Tiffany

I provide Sensual massage, Erotic nude massage and tantric massage for men. The service is a full massage service, which includes erogenous areas and genitals, to your relief, and this is performed with an open mind and more or less flexibility depending on the situation, but the rates do not include any type of intercourse and there is not any rate for sexual service. There are basically six different rates based on the massage service type, Sensual, Erotic massage, more intimacy as in Tao massage and tantric massage, and based on the duration of the service, 1h, 1h30 or 2h. Other than that there is overcharge for late hour bookings (from 12am till 8am) as well as for out calls, but I am an erotic female masseuse not an escort. (In case you are looking for an escort, you can visit Cloud9 escort , Punternet or Top escort book to find one)

I do not have rates for sexual intercourse as I do not provide this service. If any time in the past I went further and I got involved in a more intimacy activity with any of my clients, it was totally outside the service and as personal choice.

There are no hidden charges for my services. I do not charge for the use of towels, shower, etc… therefore I believe my rates are very straightforward. You are welcome always to seek clarification as you need it, but please do not be ambiguous with your questions in order to avoid misinterpretations or disappointments.

There are so many information across internet and it is easy to confuse between escort and massage, to learn more about the difference between erotic massage and escort services, I recommend you to read: by Eros Massage London UK. ( ps. I found out that some of Eros massage therapists might also offer escort services / full services )