Tantric Massage for Men

An Erotic body to body massage:

A very sensual and intimate massage that releases sexual blocks and tensions (inhibitions). The affectionate way this massage is given opens up the heart and secures ability to love and feel loved for both giver and receiver.

Through this massage you can learn to have orgasm without ejaculation. An orgasm that is reached by other parts of the body than the sexual organs.
An orgasm felt in the whole body as boundless state of ecstasy and love that can last for hours.

You should not expect to experience this kind of whole body orgasm until the sexual blockages and inhibitions have been dissolved. This usually happens gradually and might need more sessions.
This massage can be given by one or two women at the same time. The massage is a body to body massage where the masseuse(s) are creatively using their hands, hair and other parts of the body, but no sexual intercourse is taking place. It is not in any case accepted to ejaculate during the massage.

a tantric massage for men

a tantric massage for men

Erotic massage

A very affective, deeply relaxing massage that is given with gentle feather-light strokes of the fingertips. All of the body is caressed, but the touch is not sexual.

The erotic massage brings you back to your true nature. It awakens and heals the energies of the heart and opens you up to both giving and receiving love. It eliminates stress and psychic tension and leaves you in a state of deep love.
Sexual continence implies fully conscious control over the sexual functions of the man or woman.
As a superior form of eroticism, sexual continence permits the biological transmutation of the creative sexual potential into superior forms of vital, psychic, mental, spiritual energies, gearing some ineffable inner sublimation processes.

London tantric massage will open up all your subtle energy meridians leading to all kinds of profound benefits.
You will feel refreshed and invigorated after a tantric massage which goes deeply into all the subtle energy structures surrounding your body creating a deep purification of the skin, muscles and internal organs.

All kinds of psychological tensions will also be released by this deeply efficient and effective massage.
What makes this massage form so much more efficient than other types of massage is that it directly applies and channels the erotic energy to heal the body, mind and soul.
The ancient science and art of tantra advocates to flow and refine the sexual energy instead of allowing it to go to waste as is the case when men ejaculate and women have explosive orgasms.

Tantric Massage Duration:
Approximately 1½ hours

tao or tantric massage:
– 150 £ simple (2 hands)
– 300 £ double (4 hands)
-for every 5 sessions, the sixth one is our free present for your fidelity (during a period of 2 months starting with the first session)

relaxation massage:
– 100 £ simple (2 hands)
– 200 £ double (4 hands)

* please note that the prices are different from a country to another.

No sexual intercourse is taking place.