Enjoy a tantra massage experience

Tantra: A Journey In Discovery

Are you ready for an explosion of energy in your life? Then you must be ready to challenge yourself and face the unknown. Many people, who integrate tantra into their relationships or become sole practitioners, quickly notice that their energy begins to oscillate at a much higher rate, which can have a number of effects in the early stages. Read more

yin and yang

In Gratitude

This blog is about a shocking turn of events regarding Aisho, (meaning Radiant Love in Japanese.) After an exquisite series of Aisho Retreats with Yuki Kaory and me, in Sydney, Norway and Sweden, Yuki Kaory announced she would like to let go of the Aisho Project and focus on her individual work. The combination of our work was simply amazing on every level. It was a unique vision, combining East and West, Yin and Yang, Sun and Moon, Tantra and Transcendence. We had a very positive response from people all over the world each time we did a retreat together. The transformation, which was manifesting, was awe inspiring. Read more

Our 4 Key Secrets for Tantric Massage

Enter the captivating realm of tantric massage, where sensuality intertwines with ancient mysticism, and a profound connection with oneself and others awaits. While many may have heard whispers of this alluring practice, its true essence remains veiled in mystery. In this insightful exploration, we unravel the 4 defining Secretss of our tantric massage London service, offering a glimpse into its transformative and healing power.

At its core, tantric massage is a unique and immersive experience that weaves together traditional massage techniques with sensuality and meditative practices. Drawing from the ancient principles of tantra, this exquisite art form goes beyond mere physical touch, delving into the realms of cosmic energies and mystic vibrations. As we embark on this journey, we uncover the four fundamental Secrets that lend tantric massage its enchanting allure: the art of embracing a slow pace, the intimacy of profound connection, the harmony of breathwork, and the stirring of arousal. Read more

how we define tantric massage

How we define Tantric Massage

In the world of tantric massage, its allure and mystique have captured the imaginations of many, leaving us with only a vague notion of its enchanting essence. We sense that tantric massage is a thrilling and unique experience, one that sets it apart from the customary spa treatments found on typical lists.

But what truly lies at the heart of a tantric massage? Let us embark on an exploration through this blog as we unravel the four defining elements that bestow upon tantric massage London its remarkable healing power.

how we define tantric massage

how we define tantric massage

Defining Tantric Massage

For those seeking a more profound understanding of this practice, let me offer a comprehensive definition. Tantric massage is a deeply immersive journey, where traditional massage techniques, such as the application of pressure and gentle kneading, harmoniously converge with sensuality and meditative practices.

Drawing from the ancient origins, tantra is a fusion of “tattva” and “mantra,” representing the science of cosmic principles and the mystical realm of sound and vibration. It is through this cosmic connection that tantric massage transcends the ordinary, taking on an almost otherworldly dimension.

In a manner akin to the unhurried grace of yoga, tantric massage exudes a ceremonial quality. Most tantric practices involve elements of yoga and meditation, yet tantric massage goes a step further, inviting you to share your spiritual and bodily journey with another soul.

In this uniquely enriching encounter, tantric massage unravels an extraordinary opportunity to reconnect with oneself through the embrace of another. It opens the door to a profound exchange of energies, a spiritual interplay that unveils new dimensions of self-awareness.

The Impact of Tantric Massage

Beyond its reputation for igniting the embers of our sexual spirit, tantric massage extends its transformative touch to myriad emotional realms. It has the power to soothe anxiety, instill confidence, and nurture a sense of newfound serenity.

As we delve into the core of tantric massage, its allure is illuminated, revealing a captivating tapestry woven from the threads of sensuality, spiritual intimacy, and meditative grace. Here lies a sanctuary for healing and self-discovery, beckoning us to venture forth and immerse ourselves in its enigmatic embrace.

In my next post, I’ll uncover the four fundamental Secrets that lend tantric massage its enchanting allure: the art of embracing a slow pace, the intimacy of profound connection, the harmony of breathwork, and the stirring of arousal.

Kama Sutra

Is Tantra Just Sex? Exploring the Spiritual and Sexual Energies Within

In today’s fast-paced and stress-filled world, many people are seeking ways to reconnect with themselves and find inner peace. While traditional yoga and meditation practices can be helpful, some individuals are exploring alternative paths to spiritual growth and transformation, including Tantra. Tantra is a complex and often misunderstood philosophy that combines spiritual and sexual practices to awaken the dormant energy within the body and achieve enlightenment. We are happy to have the chance to invite the tantra goddess – Sherry from Kama Massage to share her idea about “xploring the Spiritual and Sexual Energies Within” In this post, we will discuss about tantra and sex and delve deeper into the origins of Tantra, the role of sexual energy in this philosophy, and the practices that can be used to cultivate the Kundalini energy and achieve a higher state of consciousness. Read more

The Brahmacharya How To – Start Practicing Today to Increase Your Stamina

According to some sources the average time from penetration to ejaculation for men is about 5 to 7 minutes. After that, the male orgasm lasts for a few seconds. The woman can experience dissatisfaction, for she needs more time to get aroused or to enter an ecstatic orgasmic state. Tantric techniques can help!

In tantra, we talk about brahmacharya, which can mean two things: either celibacy, or non-ejaculation and sexual continence. Of these two, for the contemporary man, celibacy may not sound very appealing, so let’s stick with the smart, tantric solution. With brahmacharya, the man is not spilling his seeds, but with a skillful and creative control of energies he can guide the energy upward in the body, away from the genitals – not out, as most men are used to. When you do this, you could keep on making love for as long as you wish, and an orgasm, or rather an ecstatic state can last for longer periods, hours or even days. And once you get the hang of it, you may start to experience different kinds of altered states of consciousness and expansion. Read more

Introduce our Tantric massage

The London tantric paradise massage has many kinds of tantric massage services avaialble for clients, sometime new visitors always wondering what exactly the difference between each sessions? Today, allow me to introduce some basic definition of erotic / tantirc massage treatment in London.

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Lingam Massage – Riding the Edge

Go where you have never gone before
Take a Tantric massage journey to electric sexual heights
Hover in your near orgasmic state

“Riding the Edge” is where you float erotically yet free from care for an extended period of time
Thoroughly pampered at the hands of an expert!
Feel that sexual energy tingle and course all through your body
Discover something better then sex!

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The joys and pitfalls of double pleasure…

Hello everyone!

This time I have something to say that touches the core of tantric massage in London and everything that is involved with it. A while ago I introduced the option of having double pleasure. For people new to tantric massage that means ejaculating twice during a tantric massage session. A lot of my clients have tried it with different results. Let me explain.

Some like a session to start with the build up of sexual energy leading to a nice orgasm with ejaculation. Just to have it out of the way so they can really enjoy the massage without feeling the desire to ejaculate overtake everything else. Towards the end of the session they like a renewed build up of their sexual energy resulting in another orgasm with ejaculation.

Others like a little bit less of a spread but of course you can’t do it too close together as the body needs a moment to recover and be ready again for such action.

The idea of tantric massage is to relax and to work with sexual energy. It is not something where performance is measured or a sporting event. That is contradictory with the whole idea. It is your session and your time so make sure that you enjoy it!

Now it happens that I get very enthusiastic clients who say to me that they love going for double pleasure. But when the end of the session approaches and I administer the second relief it becomes clear that the body is not going to corporate and it is not going to happen. What to do?

I gave it some thought. First of all you never know in advance how things are gonna go. There are so many factors that play a role here. They say the brain is the most important sex organ. Once you get too focused on ejaculating that can start working against it and make it impossible. It becomes a catch 22 situation and after a while you start losing the fun. Next to that it can be simply the body that is not ready or too tired for it or your emotions that play up. Don’t forget you are with a tantric masseuse having a session and you are not at home with your partner or with your lover! For people who visit tantric masseuses on a regular basis it is important to differentiate between that and not lose the correct perspective.

During my sessions I try to give my best to make it as pleasurable and comfortable for my clients as possible. But you will appreciate that there comes a sort of a turning point if it proves it is not going to happen. What I mean is that we need to avoid to arrive in an uncomfortable situation where both the client and me are trying to achieve something that is not going to work. Nobody likes to admit too soon that this is the case. But this is very personal and if you push it too far it can ruin the nice experience of the rest of the session.

Please never feel embarrassed to indicate gently to me that enough is enough. That enables me to slowly bring it to an end in such a way that is still very pleasurable for you without one of us trying to hard.

Another way of going about this is to agree in advance that we are going to explore double pleasure but we will just see. One day it might work and another day it might not. This is a much more relaxed approach than agreeing with your self in advance that you are gonna let go twice. In the end when you are with your partner or lover do you agree in advance how often you are gonna come? So maybe it is as well a good idea not to do that do that when you visit a tantric masseuse.

I am sure this post will generate some comments. We never stop learning so I am curious what I will learn from this one.

Thank you dear regulars for your loyalty and welcome to some new clients whom I saw recently for the first time. I hope to see you again.

Have a lovely day!


the mystic of tantric massage

The Tantric Massage massage – Urban legend or Reality?

For the next couple of weeks I am going to write a serial of short articles about myths and realities about tantric massage that probably you hear more than once.

There is not a secret that magic words have been used with none sense for some massage partitioners or that many explanations have been given for someone with not enough experience as a masseuse, not to mention as a ‘erotic therapist‘ or ‘Tantra goddess‘.

the mystic of tantric massage

According to one of the masters I studied with, Massage is 25% technique and 75% experience. A young massage partitioner will learn many different things at once while doing her training as a massage therapist, some of those thing he will never remember on a life time, other he will forget after one week and suddenly with no reason, after years, one day it comes to your mind but, somehow, it is useful for a present personal or professional situation. It is normal, nothing wrong, is just part of the learning process and how a massage therapist develops her own technique or better to say, her own way to approach different situations with different clients. First, one absorb all the information, second that information is process and last is storage on your hardware till is need it.

Reason why a good massage therapist is the one in tune with herself and able to empathize with her clients not the one with one hundred workshops certificates framed all over the walls (half of those are a 3 hours workshop in crystals and there you go, you are a master crystals therapist, not that simple ). A good therapist is the one who made therapy to herself till the last bone on her body before he practice with anyone else.

If we talk about erotic massage for men or sensual massage for men, the massage techniques we use are mostly the same that for any other massage but the sensibility you need as a masseuse, the grade of empathize you need in order to reach and connect with your client, the knowledge of the body language you precise to understand what is happening and is need without being told it is not comparable with a regular therapeutic massage and that cannot we taught, you have it or you do not!.

Now, if we talk about Tantric massage for men you need all the above plus many years of practice and study of Chakras, energies, holistic massage, yoga, personal development, tantric philosophy for a Tantric masseuse is a style of life, as a therapist no one does Tantra massage, you are a tantric person, your approach to life is tantric, you eat, breath, dream and behave differently to the rest because you incorporate the Tantric philosophy into your life, if not does not work, is not real. Tantra it is not a bottom you switch own and off and you are or you are not!.